Category: Nonfiction

Who Is Jeb!!! book cover

Who Is Jeb!!! by Patrick M. Andendall

Who Is Jeb!!!: John Ellis ‘Jeb’ Bush and his Horrendously Horrible Histories zooms in on the birth of the Stupidparty. Andendall speaks not only about Jeb Bush himself, but also the dynasty from which he comes. The focus is on Jeb rather than George Sr. or George Jr. to make the point that Jeb does not have his own thoughts, views, or values outside of the family dogma.

Deliverance from Stupidparty Land

Deliverance from Stupidparty Land by Patrick M. Andendall

Patrick M. Andendall’s Deliverance from Stupidparty Land: How to Eradicate the Destructive Forces Destroying American Democracy is the third volume in the Stupidparty series. I stumbled upon Deliverance and started there without realizing there were other books. Luckily, I did not feel like I was missing information that I needed to make sense of Deliverance.