If you’re seeking traditional publication, you want your manuscript to blow away an agent or acquisitions editor. Polishing the first 10,000 words of your manuscript may be exactly what you need to seal the deal.
It’s also a great option for those who aren’t ready for a full edit but want objective feedback on their manuscript’s sentence-level strengths and weaknesses.
The 10k Teaser is a budget-friendly version of the line and copyediting service, working with the first 10,000 words of your manuscript.
What’s included?
The edit:
A sentence-by-sentence examination of the first 10,000 words of your manuscript, addressing style and grammar matters such as:
- Word choice
- Use of tense
- Awkward phrasing
- Sentence structure
- Unintentional repetition
- “Telling” versus “showing”
- Dialogue usage, including tagging and punctuation
- Comprehension and readability
- Consistency of character attributes
- Adherence to the Chicago Manual of Style
- Consistent application of preferred style choices
- Standard manuscript formatting (font, paragraph indents, line spacing, etc.)
The deliverables:
You’ll receive the following:
- 10,000 words carefully edited using MS Word’s Track Changes and Commenting features
- A clean copy of the edit with all changes accepted
- An editorial letter (about two to five pages) summarizing the overall changes and suggestions
- A style sheet listing your preferences such as spelling variations, capitalization, and punctuation choices to maintain consistency throughout your writing
Fine-tune your edit
The following add-ons are available:
- A second pass—a second read-through catches issues that may have slipped through the cracks the first time.
- Proofreading—purchase your proofread at the same time as your edit and receive a 20% discount on the proofreading service.
Please let me know you’d like to add these services when you send your sample so I can provide you with accurate pricing.
The 10k Teaser:
With second pass add-on:
With proofread add-on (at 20% discount):
Add $100
All prices are in USD.